Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Meeting

I arrived at 10:45 as agreed upon. As I was halfway from my car to the door I saw her get out of her truck. It was peripheral but I knew it was her. Still I didn't turn around or let on that I knew she was there, instead walking in & making my way to the bar to see how she'd approach me (plus I was a little nervous). She caught up with me & gently tugged on my sleeve in a very shy way. We exchanged "hello's" (actually she said "hey" followed by an almost laugh that turned into a very adorable smile - which became her usual way of greeting me) & I asked what she wanted to drink. "Vodka & Sprite" was her answer, so I ordered one for her & a sprite sans ice for myself. She seemed a little surprised that I wasn't drinking so I explained to her that I seldom drank when I was driving.

Her hair was up which made her look younger than she was, but it wasn't difficult to see that her pictures had not done her justice (& I thought her pictures were nice). She was a skinny little thing but she had some muscle & some build to her & overall was very attractive even though she dressed modestly & it wasn't easy to discern. Still she looked young as hell which made me feel a little - I dunno - either guilty or out of my league. But looking at her face I quickly overcame any trepidations I had concerning our age difference. She truly was beautiful to me even then & her smile was too enchanting to describe.

It was karaoke night which was a surprise to me & not a welcome one. We sat at the bar & chatted for a while. Truthfully I only heard about 75% of what she said as the music was loud & she was very soft spoken. But I heard enough to conclude that she was cool. When she laughed it was an instantaneously satisfying sound, so I tried to keep her amused. I don't recall too many specifics but I did tease her about singing & we discussed our mutual dislike of karaoke. I also believe we discussed that she played harmonica, but I can't recall if that conversation started that night or later.

When I ordered another round of drinks she opted for a straight soda so I started to ponder if the evening wasn't as cool for her as it was for me. I'm not sure how long we were there - maybe an hour, perhaps a bit longer. It was before closing when I told her I was going to head back home - the karaoke was getting to me (truthfully it was that I could barely hear her that was getting to me as I was really interested in what she had to say). She seemed to be understanding. I walked her to her truck & we stood there semi-awkwardly for a few seconds. She then hugged me, which I thought was odd since she didn't seem the type to make a display of affection like that so soon after meeting someone. But I wasn't complaining as she gave good hug. I believe I kissed her neck very gently & very briefly as we hugged. We both said it was cool meeting & we should get together again. I almost asked her if she'd care to come back to my place, but didn't think she was the type to take me up on that so soon. Still, it was a tempting notion.

When I got home I e-mailed her & told her how cool she seemed & that it'd be nice to see her again. I also explained that I couldn't hear some of what she was saying because of the noise & I regretted that as I enjoyed talking with her.

It wasn't the most exciting first date I've ever had & perhaps not the most gratifying, but it showed me that she was very cool as a person as well as very attractive as a lady. & that she was in fact a lady. I wasn't sure if I'd see her again but I was hopeful. It wasn't "love at first sight" by any means, but I felt the attraction instantly & knew it could be something cool. In what way & to what degree I had no idea - certainly I didn't contemplate that it would turn into what it did. But I had a good feeling about her as a person & about she & I having some sort of undefined potential to be friends & possibly lovers & maybe something more.

I went back to the same bar a few nights later & the bartender (whom I knew decently) asked me about the date I had the other night & mentioned that the lady I was with seemed very nice. That was the first time & only time she ever commented on anyone I brought into the bar (& I brought more than a few dates there before & since). I took that as a very good sign as the bartender was very cool & seemed to have decent judgment. I had already came to the same conclusion but it was nice to have it affirmed by another woman as sometimes guys get blinded by things. In short I knew I'd like to see her again & was wondering if the feeling was really mutual.

Yeah; I know I'm getting sentimental again but I've always been that way around anniversaries, even when they're not able to be properly celebrated.

Anyway, that was 2 years ago as of last night & that's how I met JAG.

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