Monday, December 25, 2006

Another Lonely Christmas

A Prince tune. perhaps one of his most fucked up. He sings of his lover who's passed on & how he misses her especially around Christmas. My situation isn't that dire & hopefully will never be but I can dig it. When someone cuts you out of their life it's not that different than someone passing on, except that as long as y'all both are alive there's hope, no matter how slim, for reconciliation.

I'm not into Christmas. I never was even when I was a Christian. But I still get bummed when I'm alone over the holidays. Some kind of social condition I guess.

I almost expected to hear from my ex-g/f KS by now. She called last year but then again things didn't go that well so maybe she opted to skip it this time around. Just as well, she's been "done" with me for a while & - well if I thought she had really cared I don't think she'd be an ex.

Tonight is the first night I've had off since the blizzard. Not that long a work week since the store was closed for 2 days but still... For some reason the guys in 4x4's can't get out of their drive ways so they call me to come in with my 19 year old Honda. I get around fine. I've been stuck a time or two but no more than 10 minutes of effort gets me out.

I think I'll make lamb tonight. I like Lamb I just hate cooking anything elaborate when I'm the only diner. More social conditioning perhaps.

& still nothing from her.

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